Albums of the year (kinda)

I think it is time we talk a little about music in this space. You probably know I am the type of person who listens few genres but the one I listen most of the time is extreme metal. This year a couple of friends created a group for sharing music with each other, is called “Musiquita rica”, and well there was a lot of activity since April, so this post gathers the stuff my friends shared (not necessary launched this year) and my personal take on the albums that actually released this year.

Musiquita rica

This was probably the year I got into post-punk subgenre, thanks to K and fiem, who shared with me these little gems, also, kudos to umoqnier for showing me Bucketheadland.

Albums of this year

There is no particular order in this list, these are the albums of 2021 that made me feel something, either joy, sadness, peace or desperation. Anyway, hope you find something interesting.


JORD is probably one of my most listened blackgaze albums, and no surprise Diorama is probably the second or third one. The first time I heard the singles I was not really sure about the sound of the band, I expected to see a heavier side, sure, it still sounded like them but I was not sure I liked as much as the sound of the first release.

This was my first pre ordered album, and I was pretty disappointed when it took three or five more days to download the files on bandcamp, I did not really care about the wait because I was in a place with no internet connection, I am just saying I would have be nice to get the album on schedule.

I have nothing to say, I ended up liking the sound of this record the more I listened to it. Wait, the track “Vestige” feels like a wave of joy combined with a small touch of anger, IDK, but it is the kind of song I like to hear when I ride my bike in a sunny day with or without friends 🌞.

La Morse du Christ

The only thing I am gonna say about this album is that it feels like a genuine theatre performance, a sublime black metal album with amazing screams. Enjoy in the afternoon.

My Bones Shall Rest Upon The Mountain

This is pretty funny, when the opportunity presents I tend to joke about me, dying, because a few years ago I was pretty depressed, the point is, listen to the track “When I Die I Shall Return”, maybe lay down in the night, get your headphones and just appreciate the magic of the sounds and the lyrics. I get goosebumps every freaking time I listen to the passage of minute 4:20, specially when Bob Ross starts talking and painting.

Pale Swordsman

First time I hear about Këkht Aräkh, and yeah, pretty much romantic black metal with a dose of lofi. I do not consider this album as something “beautiful” but I think this represents “love” in terms of black metal, maybe I am crazy. Cannot go wrong with this and a cup of hot chocolate.

Final thoughts

I missed a couple of promising albums, like A Diabolic Thirst, Beautiful Ghosts and Solar Paroxysm, the first one because I had no time for listening to it and last two because I was not in the mood (All is found is a beautiful song tho), but I will try listening to them soon.

I was planning on write about my cycling experiences, because last month I “celebrate” two years of using the bike as my personal transport, anyway, I will probably be posting that next year. Happy new year day (?). (: